Animal Welfare

Process Accreditation

Process Accreditation

Process Accreditation

All of the plants we source products from have independent veterinarians who are charged with ensuring animal health and welfare as well as production standards and regulatory compliance.

The Ovation plants where we source our materials carry the following certifications:

  • NAWAC compliant: (National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee)
  • UK FAWC 5 Freedoms compliant: (Farm Animal Welfare Council)
  • MPI Certified Products: (Ministry of Primary Industries)
  • USDA Approved Premises: (United States Department of Agriculture)
  • BRC Compliant: (British Retail Consortium) verified annually by independent 3rd party auditor
  • Halal Certified: (Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand)
  • HACCP Controlled Processing: (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)